• tezibon@yahoo.com, info@tezibonengineering.com.ng

Quality Management System

For decades, companies around the world
have depended on Tezibon for good service delivery

Quality Poilicy

- Quality Policy: Define a clear, company-wide quality policy that reflects the organization's commitment to quality, safety, and continuous improvement. This policy should be communicated to all employees.
- Quality Objectives: Establish measurable quality objectives aligned with the company’s strategic goals. These objectives should cover areas like product quality, safety, environmental impact, and customer satisfaction.

Essential Documentation

Develop and maintain essential documents, such as the Quality Manual, procedures, work instructions, and records, to ensure consistency and traceability. - Document Control: Implement a robust document control process to manage the creation, review, approval, distribution, and revision of documents

Increased Productivity Using QMS

Conduct risk assessments to identify potential quality and safety risks throughout the lifecycle of projects, from exploration to production.
- Process Management: Define and document key processes involved in exploration, drilling, production, and refining. Ensure that these processes are consistently followed and optimized for quality.
- Supply Chain Management: Implement quality control measures to ensure that suppliers and contractors meet the company’s quality standards.
- Inspection and Testing: Establish procedures for regular inspections, testing, and maintenance of equipment and facilities to ensure compliance with quality and safety standards.