• tezibon@yahoo.com, info@tezibonengineering.com.ng



In all of our operations, the most important mission is to pursue the highest possible standards to maximize our Quality, Health, Safety, and Environmental performance. In order to achieve this goal, the effective implementations of our policies on these issues are the top priority for all employees.

We maintain compliance with all applicable laws and regulations within the areas of our operation and by conduct all operations in a manner that promotes safe work practices and avoids risk to our employees, our clients and the environment. • Monitor our performance and check our management system in order to improve rules and procedures in conducting our activities. • Maintain a consistent and transparent dialogue with authorities, local realities and other stakeholders, openly communicating our HSE policies, standards, programs and performance. We can reach our objectives together by setting an example and by the ongoing and sustained commitment of management and staff.

.Assure the quality and technical integrity of our tools and services so that they are fit for purpose and that their functional specifications match the customer’s application in all instances. Conduct our operations with zero risk to personnel or the environment. Seek continuous improvement.

.Consult regularly with employees, and other stakeholders with regards to Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment.